about 777
Timeless shelters 777 smart sustainable eco structures
max 200m2 for 7 specific people 7 specific animals 7 specific plants with the inventive programs which contributes to balanced progress to autochthonous environment to which they belong. Timeless shelters 777 are sustainable examples how to bio-architecturally intervene with future advanced-care special development of different landscapes throughout Ethiopia.
geographical information system GIS maps _ natural environments
Mandatory sub themes of projects
Sun & Architecture
Water & architecture
Wind & architecture
Sanitary & Restrooms & Architecture
Green & Architecture
Biodiversity & Architecture
Inside & outside
In-between spaces
Strategic build-tech for Ethiopia
stone landscapes
Accent on _ learning from existing quality
rivers, flood spaces, rainy forest
Accent on _ Learning from existing failures
desert extreme
Accent on _ Protecting environment
food spaces
Accent on _ Increasing potential of local originality
national parks & natural monuments
Accent on _ Learning of importance to preserve originality in country
vital country landscape attractors
Accent on _ introducing new programs in special environment – capital, towns, villages, national parks
Dominika Batista PhD, Associate Professor
Mekelle, February 2018

"When you have a large space to conquer, the curve is the natural solution.
Today, architecture is invention. It isn't enough to just be rational - It must also be beautiful."